Resolutions begin - 1/365, originally uploaded by Thomas Lester.
This photo is photo #1 of a Flickr 365 project that I'm starting today. What's a 365 project you ask? A 365 project is where a person commits to taking one photo a day for 365 days. Of course, you can take more than one photo per day, but you have to take at least one photo each day and choose only one as your photo for the day. The motivator for me to do this is to force myself to take more photos. More photos means I have more opportunity to improve my photography skills.
Taking more photos is part of my new years resolutions. Also, I'm resolving to get up before the kids wake up and have quiet time with God and read the Bible. I'm trying to do a one year read through of the Bible. This photo depicts this part of my resolutions. Note the time on the iPhone.
I also resolve to blog more. Hence this post.
About my quiet time this morning. A great friend of mine, Joe Bassett, has agreed to be my accountability partner (his idea actually) on keeping to my quiet time in the morning. Part of the "deal" is that we report to each other what "spoke" to us in our quiet time each morning. So, here's mine for today:
I read the following:
What jumped out at me? Well... I've been anxious a bit lately. In fact, enough to make me have trouble sleeping at night. I haven't been doing what I feel is my best work at my job. Not that I've been doing poorly, but I think I can do better. I also have a lot of internal "what should I do" type of questions that mainly stem from a lot of uncertainty in the world today. Psalm 5:8 really spoke to me this morning and I made in my prayer.
"Lead me in the right path, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow."
Can't get much simpler than that. Show me the way, God! I can't figure it out on my own. Help me make your way, my way too.
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