TEL_0447, originally uploaded by Thomas Lester.
Ok... so this picture doesn't really have anything to do with today's quiet time. It's also an old picture (not part of the 365 project). I took this picture back in Summer when we were on vacation in Hilton Head, SC. This was a really nice jazz club that we went to and Brian sat in on drums for one song. I just think my blog entries look better with photos. I thought of this photo this morning because I can barely get my eyes to focus and I had to get some coffee before I started reading.
I found The One Year Bible online and they have links to Bible Gateway that have each day's scriptures grouped together. Here is January 6.
In the New Testament read this morning (Matthew 5:27-48), Jesus takes things to a whole new level. He really sets up how much we need Grace. Jesus tells us that it's more than actually committing the sin... but if you THINK about committing the sin, then you have already sinned in you heart and that it's just as bad. Kind of makes you think twice about the old thought, "I'm a good person... I haven't murdered, I'm faithful to my wife... surely I'll go to Heaven". Jesus tells us in this passage that if you've ever thought, "wow... she's hot... I'd like to [censored]". Then we've committed adultery.
We must truly understand this "next level", this sinning of our heart and mind for us to truly understand grace. Then THAT takes our relationship to the next level with our Lord and Saviour.
Hey Tom
Another idea for your Bible reading that I do. ESV has RSS feeds that send the passage to the day in your feed reader. I like this because it keeps me caught up because it is in my feed reader each day. Plus, since I use Google Reader I can read it on my Mac or my iPhone. They have a bunch of different plans to. I am doing the chronological one.
nice shot!
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